Thanksgiving Gantt Chart

Thanksgiving πŸ¦ƒ is right around the corner πŸŽ‰ – this year we are hosting 17 people 😱. If you too are hosting way more than your kitchen normally cooks for, perhaps this will be of interest!

Lucy D’Agostino McGowan


November 12, 2017

Thanksgiving πŸ¦ƒ is right around the corner πŸŽ‰ – this year we are hosting 17 people 😱.

πŸ“— Google Sheet
πŸ“¦ googlesheets
πŸ“¦ lubridate
πŸ“¦ plotly

If you too are hosting way more than your kitchen normally cooks for, perhaps this will be of interest! We decided to make a Google Sheet of the various dishes so we could plot out what will be cooking when.

Packages we’ll use


Pull in the data

First we can pull the spreadsheet into R using the googlesheets package.

## Read the sheet into R
dishes_df <- read_sheet("")

Clean up a bit πŸ›€

dishes_df$start <- as_datetime(dishes_df$start,
                                          tz = "America/Chicago")
dishes_df$finish <- as_datetime(dishes_df$finish,
                                           tz = "America/Chicago")
dishes_df$minutes <- dishes_df$finish - dishes_df$start

Let’s pick some lovely turkey-themed colors for our chart 🌈 brought to you by colour lovers.

cols <- c("#487878", "#783030", "#904830", "#A87860", "#D89048")
dishes_df$color  <- factor(dishes_df$where, labels = cols)

## Order for the chart
dishes_df <- dishes_df[order(dishes_df$start,
                             decreasing = TRUE), ]

Make the plot πŸ’ƒ

This is inspired by a Plotly blog post!

p <- plot_ly()

for (i in 1:nrow(dishes_df)) {
  p <- add_lines(p,
                 x = c(dishes_df$start[i], dishes_df$finish[i]), 
                 y = c(i, i), 
                 line = list(color = dishes_df$color[i],
                             width = 20),
                 hoverinfo = "text",
                 text = paste("Dish: ",
                              "Cook time: ",
                              "Where: ",
                 showlegend = FALSE

## Add the dish names to the y-axis, remove grid
p <- layout(p,
            xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE),
            yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, 
                         tickmode = "array",
                         tickvals = 1:nrow(dishes_df),
                         ticktext = unique(dishes_df$dish)),
            margin = list(l = 200, r = 50, b = 50, t = 50, pad = 4),
            plot_bgcolor = "#EBE5E5",
            paper_bgcolor = "#EBE5E5",
            ## add a turkey because why not!
            images = list(
      list(source = "",
           xref = "paper",
           yref = "paper",
           x= 0.75,
           y= 1,
           sizex = 0.25,
           sizey = 0.25
           ) )


Happy feasting! πŸ¦ƒβ€οΈ